1. Parish Contact – It is appreciated that some people, when ill, prefer just family contact. However, there are others who may welcome contact from the parish. If you fall into the latter category, in the first instance contact Fr Maria at the Presbytery 01285652087.
2 St Peters Hall Bookings – Please contact Lisa McKie, details below, to book St. Peter’s Hall for an event. Click here for terms and conditions and here for an application form
Lisa McKie
If you cannot contact Lisa please contact
David Swain
07981 044471
3. Help: We are aware as a parish that there are people who sometime in their lives need help, for a variety of reasons, for example through illness, being alone or new to the parish. We thought it a good idea to find who would be willing to help. No particular skill is necessary, it might be as simple as a listening ear, or to do some shopping. The objective is to form a link line. If you are willing to give some of your time, please contact Doreen Fotherghill or another member of the Pastoral Team. Some of you may be thinking ‘Yes, I could do with some support’, if this is the case then please contact Doreen on 01285656284.
For Parish Hall Booking please Contact: Elaine Wright, Tel: 01285652087
4. St Peter’s Book – can be found at the back of the church for your prayers and intercessions.
5. Adoption – Could you offer a permanent home to a child or children? If you would like information, please contact Catholic Children’s Society, Tel 08451220077. The Society is committed to finding families for children and works with people of all faiths or none.
6. Gift Aid – Do you pay tax?, If you do, the Parish can reclaim 28 pence tax for every pound you contribute. It costs you nothing extra. All you need to do is complete a Gift Aid Declaration, we do the rest. To find out more, please call the Parish Office on 01285652087.
7. Prayer Circle – The group prays for the needs of the parish. Anyone can join and be part of it, housebound included. Just phone the prayer-line if you wish to know more about it. Members pray daily in their homes, and those who can, meet in the Presbytery on the first Tuesday of the month, after the 10 am Mass.
We are not a prayer group as such. We each pray as individuals in our own home in our own way and in our own time, but we are committed to this prayer daily. The commitment unites us as a group, the more so when we pass on a ,special urgent prayer request around the Circle. We are now ten in number and hope still more people will join us. Doreen Fothergill.
8. Parish Family Ministry – If you, or someone you know, would like a visit from a member of this team, would you please let us know by telephoning Mary Dickman, or let the Parish Priest know the details.
9. Celebrating Marriage – Married couples who are approaching a significant anniversary are warmly invited to seek a special blessing at Mass on or near the due date. Please contact the Parish Priest to arrange.
10. Parish Meditation Group – The parish meditation group meets on the first Thursday of every month at 7.15pm in the Presbytery Meeting Room for approximately one hour. Anyone is most welcome to attend. For more information please contact Louise Smail on 01285821378 or email thesmails@btinternet.com.
11. Pop in Volunteers – Our Church volunteers on Mondays about 6pm at the Ashcroft Church and on Saturdays from 9am at St Peter’s Parish Hall, to support the Signpost Cirencester, who provide hot meal and breakfast to our brothers and sisters who are homeless and those who are facing similar social challenges. On Christmas Day, lunch is also provided for people who are on their own at Christmas. Please, contact the Parish Priest for more information about volunteering for any parish charity.
12. Achieve Africa – Looking for a way of directly supporting people in developing countries? Try Achieve Africa, which supports children in Africa with Special Needs, through our Parish Community. Contact our parish office for more information. Or email: contact@achieve-africa.org.uk
13. Churches Together In Cirencester – For information and further details please contact Joe Dunthorn through the parish office. Further information can be obtained from there website by clicking here.
14. Polish Mass – There Is a Polish Mass which is held in the church on 1st Saturday of the month at 4.00pm.
15. Parish Safeguarding – St. Peter’s Cirencester, like all Catholic parishes, is totally committed to ensuring that all children and vulnerable adults are protected against any form of abuse. Any concerns that anyone may have should be taken immediately to our Safeguarding Representative: Cathy Nelson. Cathy can be contacted via PSR.cirencester.stpeter@cliftondiocese.com See our safeguarding page,
16. St. Peter’s 100 Club: the 100 club has run for over 20 years and has raised over £20,000 for the parish. Although it is called the 100 club, the scheme is based on a range of numbers from 1 to 200.Then each month three numbers are drawn randomly. We now have available numbers for £1 per month. If you are interested in joining, please write your name and contact number/email on the list at the back of the Church. – Cathy Nelson.