FABRIC AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Members as at September 2023 – Parish Priest, Elaine Wright (Parish Administrator and Parish Covenant Secretary), Pat, Brian and Kieran
The Parish priest, as in every parish, convenes this committee, which is advisory to him. All members are volunteers from our parish and offer their services without charge. It meets six times a year and has some ten members, including the parish priest. The Parish Pastoral Council also send a representative. Between them, members look after such things as our accounts, legal and architectural matters, buildings, gift aid scheme, health and safety, and the presbytery.
As its name confirms, it looks after, first our finances, our weekly income and expenditure and produces our accounts from month to month are produced by our Parish Administrator who passes the information to the committee. Accounts are produced in the Financial Return at the end of the year for the Diocesan Finance Office.
The return is checked in accordance with the monthly accounts and signed in the first place by the treasurer and then authorised by the Parish Priest.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Pastoral Council Members (as at September 2023) Fr Parish Priest), Elaine Wright (Parish Administrator), and …..
Our aim is to look at the Pastoral issues in our Parish and identify areas where we can improve the service and care we give as a Church community. We listen and dialogue with the parish to identify needs and then work with the parish family to empower ministry, witness and care within the parish, the deanery, diocesan and local community.
The Parish Pastoral Council is established by the Parish Priest so that there may be a collaborative and consultative voice to assist him in discerning God’s intentions for the people of the Parish.
The objectives are:
To support the Parish Priest in developing and furthering the pastoral strategy for the Parish.
To discern the needs of the Parish, its parishioners, and the wider community.
To foster fellowship between the Parish and other Christian communities as well as those of other faiths, or none.
communion and there is no upper age limit and we encourage and welcome new altar servers. They are there to assist the priest at the altar.
The Parish Pastoral Council is established by the Parish Priest so that there may be a collaborative and consultative voice to assist him in discerning God’s intentions for the people of the Parish.
The objectives are:
To support the Parish Priest in developing and furthering the pastoral strategy for the Parish.
To discern the needs of the Parish, its parishioners, and the wider community.
To foster fellowship between the Parish and other Christian communities as well as those of other faiths, or none.
Deanery Pastoral Committee Representative
The Stroud Deanery committee meet at least quarterly.