Biography of Reverend Patrick W. H. Eastman OSB obl. MA
Father Patrick was born in North Devon on September 24, 1937. Following his education at Barnstaple Boys’ Grammar school he was employed as an executive in industry working as a purchasing manager for an engineering company in Bodmin and Plymouth. Prior to his Anglican ordination in Durham cathedral, he received an MA in theology from Oxford University. . He served as a priest in the Church of England in the Durham diocese from 1969 through 1983. After ordination he continued to study and received an MA in Perspectives of Human Nature.
Father Patrick and his wife, Maureen were received into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church at the Cistercian (Trappist) Abbey at Nunraw, Scotland on November 4, 1983. He was ordained as a Roman Catholic priest in the Diocese of Tulsa, Oklahoma on August 14, 1984.
As a priest of the Tulsa Diocese he served as the Diocesan Director of Spiritual Formation, providing spiritual direction and retreats for parishes, religious communities, and priests. His concern for spiritual growth and the welfare of the priests was also expressed by his role as coordinator of the Committee for Priestly Life and Ministry in the Diocese. He has taught spirituality and related topics for the Permanent Diaconate Formation program and to Religious and lay groups. He has personally acted as spiritual director for many priests, religious and laity as well as training others in spiritual direction and founding a Diocesan Spiritual Life Centre. During this time his studies obtained an MA in Monastic Studies and Spirituality from St. John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota.
Father Patrick also founded and edited Monos, a bimonthly spirituality journal in 1985 which continued under his role as spiritual director of The Monos Community until 2004. Father Patrick has been a Benedictine Oblate since 1963 and is currently an Oblate of the Camaldolese Benedictines at Big Sur, California. In 1995 he began as a Zen student in the Sanbokyodan lineage under Dr. Ruben Habito followed by a time with Abbot John Daido Loori Roshi at Zen Mountain Monastery. His most recent teacher has been Fr. Robert Kennedy Roshi SJ in Jersey City who installed him as a Sensei (Zen Teacher) in the Zen White Plum Asangha on May 31 ,2009. He now leads the Wild Goose Sangha which meets regularly in Cirencester.
Having retired from active ministry in Tulsa, at the invitation of Bishop Declan, from May 2004 until October 2006 Father Patrick served as Priest-in-Charge of St. Thomas of Canterbury, Fairford with St. Mary’s, Cricklade. After a short period of retirement he was appointed as Priest in charge of St. Michael’s Tetbury on June 1, 2009 but continues to provide retreats for priests, religious and laity throughout the UK.